Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Let me clarify…

It is not a good thing to accidentally do anything that causes injury during lifestyle play.

It is completely irresponsible and unsafe to play with someone, even yourself, who is being incautious enough to accidentally cause harm. Many types of play in the lifestyle are dangerous. And by dangerous i mean an activity that can cause youserious bodily harm or death. 

It isn’t safe for a sub, and it isn’t safe for a Dom to be playing without taking care and precautions to prevent that from happening.

As a sub, you could end up with permanent injuries, nerve damage, paralysis or death. As a Dom You could end up in a lawsuit, behind bars, or depending on the laws where you reside, facing the death penalty.

No one wants that.

If you are participating in play where the intention is to cause controlled injuries to the body, and by that i mean bruising, bleeding, burning, scarring, Y/you damn well better be doing it in a responsible, controlled, planned way.

Know anatomy and know where You are striking Your sub/bottom. If You are striking them repeatedly or with force over bony protuberances on the body, You may bruise or break the bone. If You strike them repeatedly or with force over their kidneys You may bruise or scar their kidneys.

There are numerous publications and websites that have charts showing safe and unsafe area’s to strike a person. Study them.

With Your hand, a whip, a paddle, a crop, a flogger, a cane, anything You are using to strike them, know Your instruments, know Your art, know where to strike and where not to strike, and the amount of force it is safe to use.

Always have sharp scissors, preferably bandage scissors, handy when You are tying someone up. It only takes a few minutes for lack of blood supply/oxygen to cause necrosis of tissues and nerve damage.

If it took You 20 minutes to tie them up and it’s going to take You 10 minutes to untie them, You better have a backup plan for when things go wrong, and with rope play Your best backup is a pair of bandage scissors and depending on the rigging a spotter to help if/when things go wrong.

There are so many potentially dangerous forms of play, that’s why trust, knowledge, knowing Y/your play partner, education, negotiation and control are so important.

Part of being a good Dom or sub is playing responsibly.

Yes, accidents may happen, but if Y/you play responsibly Y/you minimize the risk. If it was something that could have easily been prevented, then maybe Y/you shouldn't be playing with that person or in that way.

So yes, i accidentally burned myself with my wand, and yes i was being stupid. It’s not something i'm bragging about or proud of, it’s something stupid that i shouldn't have let happen.

It is no good to play with someone who gets so caught up in the play that they lose sight of safety, even if that someone is yourself.

Be smart, play responsibly. When Y/you don’t and something serious happens, W/we all suffer the consequences. :(


originally posted on my tumblr. here

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