Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Joy Ride?

This is a rant, so…

Anyone who calls themselves a “Master” or “Mistress” or “Domme” or “Dom” has a certain responsibility to themselves, to the individuals who submit to them and to the community as a whole.

It’s like a driver in a car, once You put the key in the ignition and head out on the road it’s not just about You anymore. Yes it’s Your car, and maybe someone has agreed to go for a ride with You, but it’s bigger than that too. And if Your driving is putting others at risk, then WTF. No one likes an asshole.

Educate Yourself. Practice what You are doing, preferably with the guidance of an experienced driver. And don’t get Your panties in a bunch if other drivers wont let You compete in the Indy 500 five minutes after You take to the road.

Communicate and use safewords, Have Your passenger put on their safety belt and for goodness sake, put Yours on too. If something goes wrong, even if it’s through no fault of Your own, E/everyone’s got a better chance of coming out the other side intact if You practice basic safety precautions.

Be a safe driver, E/everyone will benefit from it. And if You want to drive at insanely fast speeds or put on an exhibition, there are venues for that, use them.

And for all you submissives out there, don’t go for a ride with a dangerous crazy just because they have a nice car. Don’t get in a car with a stranger. Just practice common sense. Please.


Anyone who is willing to Dom you without talking about your specific wants and needs first, who hasn’t discussed limits and safewords is a bad choice for a play partner. Period. No qualifiers needed.


For that matter, anyone who is willing to submit to You without talking about your specific wants and needs first and who hasn’t discussed limits and safewords.. .they’re a bad choice for a play partner too.

Who Y/you play with is a reflection on Y/you and how Y/you play is a reflection on the community as a whole. 

Drive safely.


originally posted on my tumblr. here

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